Recent Releases

  • 2020-07-09tweak-new-twitter v1.22
    A Chrome and Firefox extension (and user script) for Twitter- always use Latest Tweets, manage retweets and other UI tweaks
    v1.22 release notes

    Fixed conflict with the separate retweets feature and Twitter's new 'Retweets and comments' feature

  • 2020-05-20nwb-less v0.9.0
    Less plugin for nwb
    v0.9.0 release notes
    • Breaking: updated less-loader (less-loader now requires Node.js >= 10)
      • less-loader now handles the less dependency itself
  • 2020-05-20nwb v0.25.2
    A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
    v0.25.2 release notes


    • Bumped Node.js version in templates.
  • 2020-05-17tabata_timer v1.4.1
    A Tabata training interval timer written with Flutter.
    v1.4.1 release notes

    Rebuilt after flutter clean as suggested here:


  • 2020-05-16react-auto-form v3.0.0
    Simplifies getting user input from forms via onChange and onSubmit events, using DOM forms APIs
    v3.0.0 release notes

    Breaking change: updated to get-form-data@3 - checkbox inputs without a value will now return true as their value when checked, instead of 'on'.