
Hi, I’m Adam

  • :mortar_board: Recent computer science graduate from UNC - Chapel Hill
  • :test_tube: Finishing up my research in cybersecurity and preparing to make the industry transition
  • :ringed_planet: Looking forward to global net zero, Mars & the rest of space, and nuclear fusion
  • :mailbox: Ask me about accessibility, cybersecurity, web, full stack, or literally anything!

Telegram Gmail LinkedIn adamalston.com

Languages I have used

C C++ Clojure HTML5 Java JavaScript Python TypeScript SQL Swift

Some of the technologies I have worked with

Git GitHub Jira jQuery Linux Node.js React Java Spring TCP/IP XCode

Some of my favorite open source projects

Bitwarden Dark Reader uBlock Origin MEGA Visual Studio Code Tor

Fun fact: I once answered the world’s oldest question with a single line of JavaScript

// Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
console.log(["πŸ₯š", "🐣", "πŸ₯", "πŸ”"].sort())

>>> ["πŸ”", "🐣", "πŸ₯", "πŸ₯š"];

⭐️ From AdamAlston