Sudipto Ghosh 👨‍💻

ACM Twitter Linkedin Stack Overflow Keybase

👨‍🎓 Majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Delhi (Class of 2022)

export default () => ({
  pronouns: "He" | "Him",
  pubKey: "866E 3ED1 217B 85DC",
  blogUrl: "",
  askMeAbout: [
    "webdev", "tech", "music",
    "mathematics", "research"
  technologies: {
    frontEnd: {
      js: ["react", "angular", "vue"],
      css: ["materialize", "bulma", "bootstrap"]
    backEnd: {
      java: ["spring"],
      js: ["node", "express"],
      csharp: [" core"],
      python: ["django", "flask"],
      misc: ["bash", "systemd", "selinux"]
    machineLearning: ["tensorflow", "keras", "pytorch"],
    databases: ["mongo", "postgres", "redis"]
  memberships: [
    "Internet Freedom Foundation",
    "Association for Computing Machinery",
    "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers"

⭐️ From sudiptog81